Saturday, May 31, 2014

Struggles aren't always bad!

Wow, what a time it’s been.  Both in the shop and life in general, the enemy is really attacking us.  Justin got out of jail and was here from May 18-31, Jonathan stayed with us for a month or so – both left today because of drinking, etc.  We realized that we were basically babysitting grown men who still didn’t want to turn their lives over to Christ fully and they were eating up our time/resources, distracting us from the other work we needed to be doing.  We do know that we are to minister/disciple all whom God sends us (yes, at the beginning for each – they did want to be disciple and learn to be Godly men -  that was the case), but the enemy continued working on and through them and they succumbed to their past ways and thoughts rather than do as we asked of them (read the Word, commune with God, look for jobs, etc), they did their own thing. 

Money has continued to be very low, not much for the past month, William not working much most of 2 weeks; however, we did finally got caught up w/car yesterday (after many threats of repossession).  Our lights were off at the apt. last week for 3 days, so we sent out an appeal to those we’ve worked with in the past (in ministry) – no replies except Marilyn who sent $50.  Due to minimal work now through IWU, I didn’t get paid from them 5/15 – we still have threat of electricity shut off here at the store, phones may go off this weekend since we can’t pay, etc and etc.   I also continue to be buried with lots of work involved  in getting this music/art festival off the ground, kids coming here by the flocks, having many talks w/them about integrity and character dev, some of my regular contributors have gone for summer due to trips –+ more of the enemy coming at us from all directions.

I thank you Jesus for blessing us on a daily basis, no matter the circumstances!  The enemy comes at us from all sides, which makes us know that we are on the right track with your will!

From William:  Luke 9 - Many of us have read this chapter, but never heard that Jesus has His own house.  But when we read vs 1, it says: “that He (Jesus) was at home”.   Like 9:58 – this too is very interesting to note that later Jesus says, “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.”  Not only did Jesus leave heaven, but He also left His life of carpentry and His home to serve the Father.  Jesus became homeless in order to serve God.  Why is it that the church is teaching the opposite; not only that, but going as far as saying that if one is poor and/or homeless, he must have done something wrong or that God cannot use or is not blessing him (monetarily).  Money isn’t always a blessing.  In one case, a man was told to sell everything and give it to the poor.  If you hang onto your life you may lose it!  Matt. 10:34-39:  You must be willing to leave all (ambitions, interests, dreams) for God if He requires you to.  Otherwise, you will never fulfill what God has destined for you to do.  God has called us to a life of sacrifice (living) and love.

Why they teach this?  Teaching them to be blessed to bless – always physical, not spiritual.  Corralling the sheep to own them and their money.

Lenard Ravenhill spoke on all this 50 years ago – about revival:  “why revival terries.”  The church still went downhill (sickly), became out of touch with the One who gave them birth (Holy Spirit), even when the prophet preached back in biblical times, the city and people still went to Babylon.

 We are called to be living sacrifices:  Rom. 12:1-2, 2 Tim. 2:3-4, Matt. 13:44-46, Pearl, Kingdom, Heaven, Rich man, dead: Luke 18:19-25, Matt. 8:19-22, Luke 9:56-62 (many teachings in all of this).

Poor, downtrodden, those looked down upon in society.  Those are the ones Jesus was most drawn to.