Sunday, July 21, 2013

Lack of Income

We signed William up for his classes [Colorado Christian University] and found out that they don’t release the left over financial aid for 2 months!  It’ll be Oct. 19th before we get any $$.  I’m not sure how we’ll get his books or how we’ll find a place to live …. anyway, it’s all in God’s hands … we were told to do His kingdom work first and all these other things will be added.  My income has almost dried up:  Indiana University called me in May and told me (after 10 years of working there) that they were canceling my class.   I even had students already signed up for summer session.  I’m down to only 7 Taylor University students (3 years ago I had over 300), and I only have 1 Indiana Wesleyan Univ. class (down from 10-3 years ago)!!  My income is less than $600 a month now!   After 10 years of working online and getting upwards of $5,000 a month in the past, this is quite a shock.  I’ve applied to over 200 universities recently and can’t find anything else!  It’s obvious God is telling us that He has work for us to do and it isn’t by our power, but by His that we will make it.

Portland, OR
This is a letter William posted on facebook:
Update on what we're doing from William: Dear friends and family:

Things are going well here. I am registered for school. Classes will begin Aug. 19th. As usual God has not given us the means to get a place yet. But He has set us in motion to minister in the city of Fountain. We are going to start an art gallery and ministry house called, God's House of Vision. The art work will be from many different artists across the United States. The art work we found is so inspiring that it takes your breath away. We will also have open house nights with music and drinks to minister to people who come. We are connecting to three different fellowships across this area. When I was praying one day God gave me a vision of many people coming from all directions to be healed, delivered and saved. I've began to plant the vision with other churches to draw them into what God has shown me.

We will be working in their projects as well. We have a leadership meeting to go to this September. On August the 3rd thru the 4th we will be going to Praise Mountain to fast and pray, I so need to hear from our Lord Jesus,(I will lift you up in pray also). This place is located on top of the great divide. They have caves and housing to stay in. I will be taking my brother's son, who God has laid upon my heart to encourage and disciple. I believe he has been called to serve our risen Lord in a big capacity. Also the door may open for me to work in some local prisons here, time will tell. Though school will be keeping me busy, I'm sure God will show us how to find the time to do His work first. I asked God why He was giving me so much. He said that when I was done with college, it wouldn't seem so hard to serve Him 24/7. Like He has told me this is a time for my discipline. We are trying to find more scholarships in order to pay for everything. But God just gave us a word from a friend in the U.K., about God promise of provision. I just notice the word provision, positive vision. God's people do perish if they don't have His vision. I'm sending you a link. bond teaches about the power of the Holy Spirit to demonstrate God's power when we preach. I don't plan on preaching anymore unless I am willing to believe God for His signs and wonders to follow when I do. I knew this time would come to God's people again at this hour. We are about to see the greatest move of God since the Apostles. Jesus is calling us home so soon, it makes me tremble and weep. The harvest will be so great, Christ is coming for His bride,(that's you and me). Be blessed in all that you do. Believe Jesus at His word to perform it. Miss you all! Looking forward to seeing you all again.