Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Encouraging FB posts ... again!

I was just reading over Fb again and found some awesome quotes:  I needed to be reminded again of what Jesse Duplantis quoted:  “"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." (Matt 6:33-34)”  I just need to keep walking in faith, knowing that I am doing the Kingdom work, putting God first, and everything else will come into being.  “See the abundance God has in store for you today! In this video excerpt - http://josephprince.com/, catch a glimpse of how Jesus wants us to draw on His unmerited favor toward us. Because of the cross, God's abounding, undeserved favor is constantly surrounding you and empowering you to succeed in every area of life. You'll walk on a whole new level of blessings as you catch a fresh revelation of how the Lord's superabounding grace is right now healing, delivering and supplying to you—exceedingly, abundantly above all you can ask or think!”    My friend Tracy says:  “√ Trust and √ go forward unafraid. √ God says...
√ "My Grace is sufficient for all your needs."

Kirk Cameron says, “Uncertainty is a difficult thing to bear. We want to know where the provision is going to come from or if we’re going to die of this disease or how this child is going to turn out or if our job will still be there next month.  But as we see in Luke 9:57–58, Jesus makes it clear that his disciples must be able to bear uncertainty if they are to follow him. “I will follow you wherever you go.”  I’m sure that whoever made this public declaration to Jesus was sincere. They likely had heard him preach and seen him perform amazing signs and wonders. As Jesus’s fame increased, so did the number of his would-be disciples.  What the person might not have known was that at that moment Jesus was homeless. Jesus and his cohort were traveling south from Galilee. He had set his face to go to Jerusalem, where his resolute purpose was to die. But to get there he had to travel through Samaria.  Back then there was a lot of bad blood between Jews and Samaritans. More precisely, Samaritans had the bad blood. They were the result of centuries of intermarriage and religious syncretism between Jews and Israel’s former Gentile conquerors.”  Read more: http://kirkcameron.com/2013/08/can-take-heart-uncertainty/#ixzz2dBNpe9pr  And John Hagee says, “Sometimes God doesn't give you what you want, not because you don't deserve it, but because you deserve something better.”  So I just need to remember what Joseph Prince states:  “Cease struggling. It’s time to let go and rest in your heavenly Father’s deep and abiding love for you.  God is more than willing to give you your miracle because He loves you and delights in blessing you! Check out today's devotional and be blessed!”