Tuesday, January 14, 2014

God IS in control!

There is one thing I do like about Colorado, is that the winters are sunny.  Yes, the Rogue Valley was warmer overall for the winter, but it rained all the time, foggy, vary rarely see the sun for long stretches.  Here in Colorado, it may be colder and more snow (except so far for this winter, unusual), I at least get to see the sun.  

In continuation of yesterdays conversation, I wanted to bring out another great devotional in Our Daily Bread that I read a while back:

Our Daily Bread, Sept. 16, 2013, God’s Will, Ps. 37
We’re often looking for God’s will – especially when we’re in a difficult situation.  We wonder, what will happen to me here?  Should I stay or does God want me somewhere else?  The only way to know for sure is to do what He asks you to do right now – the duty of the present moment – and wait for God to reveal the next step.
As you obey what you know, you will be strengthened to take the next step and the next.  Step by step, one step at a time.  That’s how we learn to walk with God.
But you say, “Suppose I take the first step.  What will happen next?”  That’s God’s business.  Your task and mine is to obey this day and leave the future to Him.  The psalmist says our steps are “ordered by the Lord” (Ps. 37:23).  This day’s direction is all we need.  Tomorrow’s instruction is of no use to us at all.  George MacDonald said, “We do not understand the next page of God’s lesson book; we see only the one before us.  Nor shall we be allowed to turn the leaf until we have learned its lesson.”
If we concern ourselves with God’s will and obey each day, the directions and warnings He gives, if we walk by faith and step out in the path of obedience, we will find that God will lead us through this day.  As Jesus put it, “Tomorrow will worry about its own things” (Matt. 6:34) – David Roper

I was on Facebook yesterday and a friend of mine commented on yesterday’s post with:
“Hey Roberta. Just read your blog, anbd wanted to let u know what happened to us. My roommate brought a lady home, that she met in church on sunday, who is homeless. during the night (after 11pm when Debbi went to bed) the lady cleaned out all the money in debbi's purse (dumb of her to leave it out anyway), and took all the beer and food that was in the garage in the frig. this morning debbi went to work and i went into walmart (via the bus), got back at 12:45 and the dogs were all out running loose. We didn't do it. We always make sure the doors and gates r shut. The gate on the side of the house that goes in2 the backyard doesn't lock. Nobody knows that unless they r trying to get into the house. There is a door that then goes in2 the garage that doesn't lock. Whoever let the dogs out, got in that way. The money that i had stashed is gone, including all the state quarters and national park quarters that i had. My advise is please be very, very careful taking home homeless people that u don't know.”

Yes, I agree, we have to be careful and have wisdom, but true Wisdom comes from God.  I have picked up people on the side of the road, taken dozens of people home, but it was all at the direction of what God had to say about it.  I’ve said no to just as many people.  Yes, we spend a life-time accumulating ‘stuff’ to make us comfortable.  There is a time coming when ‘stuff’ means nothing and we have to be willing to give up our ‘idols’,  be willing to give up ALL things that hinder us from doing God’s will.  God is gathering His army, looking for those willing to give up all things in order to serve Him.

We took in a homeless man a few years ago, and after working with him for months, he turned on us in anger (and on drugs) and stole our computers (among other things) … sure we was upset at first, but we were LITERALLY MORE concerned about his welfare, state of mind, and especially his spiritual well-being that we were of our ‘stuff’, and I earned a living using my computer and had to have one to continue working.    Eventually, we got both computers and stuff back, and God worked out ALL things for His good (Rom. 8:28) AND to the salvation of the one who stole – and most importantly on our part, we TOTALLY forgave him from the very beginning of the episode.

Yes, stuff happens because we live in a fallen world, but we as children of God live in the spiritual realm, operate in the spiritual, because what we see in this physical world first started in the spiritual! (Eph.5:17, 6:10-20) and we DO have the authority (Matt. 28:18-20, Luke 9:1, 10:19) – we are not to just lay down and say, “I can’t do that because I might get hurt” or whatever.  We step out in faith when we know we are in God’s will and act – no matter what it looks like!

Unfortunately, that is why this country is in the state it is in now … 50 years ago we let the enemy come in like a flood and take over (yes, there were many other instances prior), starting with our children.  Prayer was dropped from school, abortion made legal, and on and on it goes until now, you mention anything EVEN IN THE CHURCH and everyone cringes in fear, “oh, we can’t do that because of liability” or “I don’t want to offend anyone”!  HELLO and WAKE UP!  We are in a WAR and there are casualties, but we go out in the AUTHORITY of Christ himself to take back what the enemy has stolen.

Speak boldly of what Christ has done for you WITHOUT fear of reprisal and consequences from the world – the world and the enemy are the same thing!  Go out there and get that one lost sheep no matter what it takes!  The government – OUR government – WILL lock us up one day for speaking the name of JESUS – are you ready to stand your ground!!