Sunday, June 8, 2014

Powerful day of prayer!

Today was a great time in the Lord.  We went (for the 2nd time – God told us 6 months ago to go to this church and we didn’t do it, now we wish we had done so) to a church just down the street from our store called Times of Refreshing Tabernacle.  These people preach just what we’ve been saying – do the kingdom work!  The preaching here is so full of the Holy Spirit, we feel drawn to work with this little band of believers.  Just like in Oregon, we have found that the smallest and the poorest of all congregations have the most fire and are seeing what the real work is supposed to be, rather than that of building a kingdom behind their four little walls. 

Not only was the morning a great blessing, but we went to the ‘Calling out the Warriors’ event ( for the afternoon.  When we came to this town last July, we preached repentance and unity among the believers going to many fellowships over the early months and encouraged the people to come together in prayer.  This reignited the call many of them felt, some for many years and many heeded the call and started the prayer brigade in November.  This was the first big event and trying to unify the body and it was a great start – we had a wonderful afternoon of prayer.   Many in the community got up and prayed over the schools, government, the church as a whole, etc.  William and I were asked to get up and speak about and pray for the various generations (children, parents, grandparents, etc) in the valley and I spoke about how I’ve become the go-to person for safety (for the children) and for encouragement and growth (for the parents/grandparents).  I mentioned how James 1:27 says: “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”   I mentioned how I minister to the orphans and widows of society – those whom society has stripped and abused.  And William spoke on how we (as evangelists) were sent here (Luke 10) to do the work of the Kingdom of God, and we prayed over the city and these issues.