Thursday, June 27, 2013

Off to Colorado

God re-directs our path, due to lack of money – leave everything behind – off to Colorado we go with only what we can carry in our car.  Wow, that was out of left field and kind of left me spinning today.  I thought all along, that I would be taking everything.  William had brought this up a couple times several months ago in the vein of “what if”; I (trying to be spiritual) said, “ok with me”, but when it really came down to it – I did kind of short-circuit.  This reminds me of how the disciples were sent out one time with only the clothes they were wearing and no money pouch and the 70 were sent out with nothing but with what Jesus taught them.

Our car near Mesa Canyon, by the Colorado River

June 30 – The past few days, we gave away all of our furniture, I mailed several things off to my kids, and we put what was left into a storage shed.  We pack what was left in the apt and spent 1st night on the road at Lake of the Woods.  We were both very stressed out and needed to get away.

Lake of the Woods

July 5 –  this am, a fire started in the canyon right by the hwy (near Mesa Canyon) and we packed fast and got out of dodge … didn’t want to get stuck in a fire.   We got to Fountain, CO, about 7 pm.  We got into Colorado Springs about 4 pm or so and drove around – went to Garden of the gods, walked around in Manatu Springs – the place gives me the willies – it is so full of witchcraft and new age stuff.  We are so blessed to be allowed to stay with William's brother for a month or so.  He has a family of 9 kids still at home (15 kids total!), so it's awesome we get the basement to ourselves!