Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Enemy Attack

So many attacks by the enemy, like a roaring lion coming to devour.  We know we are doing God’s will and are on the right path, otherwise Satan and his cohorts wouldn’t be coming at us from so many angles.  Our car payment was due July 20th, but we had nothing to send, so I was waiting to see what I would get paid from IWU … $190.!!  What????  I called the loan company and they said they’d give us until Friday to pay the $389 + $38 late fee.  The storage shed also needs $59 [since we left everything behind in Central Point] and our car insurance expires tonight at midnight!  When William called around for other insurance to find something cheaper than the $138 we’ve been paying (for 1 car no less!!  I know there has to be something cheaper), he found something for $67 a month.  He went to sign up and they said it would be $110 because of 2 accidents reported on May 23rd.  WHAT???   William backed into 1 guy in the parking lot and only took out a headlight.  We reported it to the insurance company and heard nothing else, so we thought, ok, it would be real cheap to fix, we had no damage and all was a done deal.   I guess the guy reported two accidents and much more damage!!!  Not only that, but last Thursday, we get a letter from our past landlord (we were expecting most of the $700 deposit money back), but he’s suing us for damages to the apartment!   WHAT?????  I even took pictures of the place before we left – we left it just as clean, if not cleaner (and no damage!) than when we found it.   We were only there 9 months!  Not only did he take the whole $700, but he wants much more as well!  The enemy is now trying to take everything from us and take our focus off of Christ and the ministry he has called for us to do.  He’s trying to make us frustrated and take away our faith.  IT WON’T HAPPEN – this is all out war and we are here to fight.  As in any war, there are victories and there are losses; however, I do not believe God wants us to lose this bad!  We go to Praise Mountain Saturday morning for 2 days of fasting and prayer – we will fight!  We have no other money coming in, this $190 won’t go far for all of this (plus we have an empty tank).  So we trust in God and why He sent us to Colorado.