Monday, July 29, 2013


Yesterday was such an awesome time.  William believes that we are to go to both churches, but not get involved in anything yet – to give it a month.  I wanted to start Monday and go to those painting classes with Neil, but William says not yet.  When we first entered St. James, several people greeted us and the guy, Ralph, even remembered our names and we had a great discussion with him.  When we went to the Springs Church, Neil and Wendy? (the homeless connect person) met us right away, were excited to see us and welcome us back.  Neil asked why I didn’t go last Monday (that he was telling everyone about this new person coming) and I had to say that we had to wait, that I had an art gallery to put together.  He understood and I told him in a few weeks I’ll join.  Same with Wendy – she understood how we couldn’t get right into the homeless group yet and help.  We were waiting on God’s leading.  She also asked us to come to the 9 am meeting next Sunday morning and be ministers with them at the Cross and the Switchblade event coming up.  We said how we would be on Praise mountain that weekend praying and fasting.  

We went to St. James Church for the 9 am service, the Springs Church for the 11 am service and back to St. James at 12:45 for a newcomers luncheon.  Josh went to church with us and was totally blessed as well.  The scripture for St. James was in 1st Peter 2:12- 3:7 – all about authority in a way never preached before – all about the authority of Christ.  Really awesome.  Then we went to the Springs and the passage was on Gal. 3 – all about grace and faith – about not living the OT way, but how that was replaced by the NT.  We are not bound by the law.  Awesome stuff.  When we went back to St. James, it was confirmed again that we are to go to both churches because of the subject matter, our reception, the heart of both places, and even the songs!  The luncheon at St. James – Ted got up and spoke about the purpose and heart of the church – all about redemption and healing – not OT theology and judgmentalism.   He discussed how 7 years ago, the church as a whole had an opportunity to preach the true gospel and show the world how Christians are filled with grace and mercy and how they blew it.  He wanted to start a church again to show the true gospel and the redemption of Christ through our Love for each other – the essence of God.  Awesome.

William's family has been a great blessing for us, not only sharing their house, but providing various things for us: tea, juice, and even chocolate!  Thank you for your blessings!