Saturday, July 27, 2013

Prayer Time

We had an awesome prayer/praise/bible study time this morning.  We had been doing warfare prayer most of this past week.  We know what God has shown us, we have been doing our part to make things happen – the rest is in His hand.  We know how God led us here to Colorado, to Fountain, and showed us that storefront on Main St., gave us visions of how we would be doing ministry there.  On Tuesday morning, William and I had an awesome prayer/praise time.  William told me of a vision God gave him of an Angel standing beside my mom and her handing him money, another where he saw an Angel going from place to place gathering money and another where he saw an Angel stuffing money into a bag to overflowing.  I believe William when he hears from God and when he has visions – they do come to pass.  
Angel blowing a trumpet in the skies above Hawaii (photo enhanced, taken by Mark Annis)

Also, on Tues evening, the storefront owner called me and said that there was someone else interested in the place and said to fill out an application (he e-mailed it to me Tues eve) and that if I was still interested, to come down Wed afternoon and give it to him.  He said he would give me first choice, so I called mom and asked if she was still interested in backing us with the $500 (she told me the week before to prepare a business plan and that she would give me money to cover the first 6 months), because I was told to bring the money as well.  She said that she didn’t have the money and couldn’t send it.   William and I talked and we agreed that God gave us the visions and that if it were God’s will, it would happen.  I went into the other room and prayed by myself, bound up the enemy, and agreed that if God wanted us to have it, it would happen.  Not 2 minutes later, mom called and said that she had the money and would send it.  I went into town Wednesday afternoon, picked up the money and went to see John, the store owner, gave him the app and tried to give him the money.  He said that he wanted to first decide between the two business plans, didn’t want the money yet, and that he would get back to me on it.  I felt a peace about it all and had to wait until Saturday noon before receiving a call back.  He said that he decided to go with the other business people because they seemed more likely to make a profit.  He also said that they didn’t have the money yet and he was giving them until 2 pm to come up with it and if they didn’t , he would call back and let me have it.  I still felt a peace about it, because I believe what God told us about the place.  I had to wait until 2:30 before John called back and said the other people never showed and that we could have it.  I went right down there and gave him the $500 and signed the lease.  I also told him that I would send William down to discuss with him about what William could do to help him get the place ready.  Maxcene (John’s mother) had been down on her hands and knees trying to scrape old paint off the hardwood floors as well as doing a lot of the painting.  She’s older and not physically up to such tasks.  I wanted to give her a break and be a blessing to them, so I volunteered William and Josh to do the work.  William and Josh will go on Monday to do the work.

Also during the night/early Sat morning, God gave me a dream and interpreted it first thing in the morning.  The dream is vague now, but the interpretation was repeated to me 3 times when I woke up – it was basically that we can do everything right, do everything thing according to what God says, do our part (works), believe God at what he says (faith), but the devil can still come in and steal it.  He told me clearly that was why we have to be diligent and do warfare prayer on a regular basis.  We are in a battle and the war is real.  That is what I believe was taking place this past week about the storefront – we did our part, the devil tried to steal it, and God won the battle for us.  The other thing God gave me this morning during prayer time was a vision: it was about getting my name back.  I was given the name Lillie at birth and God told me that was the innocent part of me that was partially stolen during childhood and finally stolen when I got married the first time.  At that time (as I wrote in my journal about getting married), I became a non-person during that week prior to March 22, 1979.  My power of choice was taken from me my ex-husband and his mother.  I went to Indiana in March to audition to music school (March 17), but the two cooked up this idea that I was to get married to him while I was out there.  I said that I didn’t want to – they ignored me.  His mom called my mom (March 18), told her the plan and she said, “yes, get them married out there, I don’t want to pay for what she’s got planned.”  My mom was mad at me because I had been working with my grandmother to plan a June wedding in Lithia Park; I was in the process of making a wedding dress with grandma.  When they got off the phone, the announced to me that it was settled and that I would be married in 3 days.  I said no, that I wasn’t going to do that – they so totally ignored me that they turned to each other and started making plans.  I was no longer talked to, I was totally ignored unless I was being told what to do and how to do it.  I kept protesting all those days, including the day we went to see Tony, the Episcopal priest who was to do the service – I even told him I didn’t want to get married.  Everyone ignored me.  
Anyway, the other thing that came out if it was that I was told that I could not keep my middle name and that I was to be called Roberta Babcock Reagan.  I said that I didn’t want that, and again, they said I had no choice.  

So anyway, this morning when I told William all of this, including how God gave me a vision this morning of how when I married William, God gave my name back – Roberta Lillie Hayes – I remember purposely choosing that because at that time, I wanted to sever completely the past (with the other names).  William said that as I was speaking God told him this:  “Lilly of the Valley represents Jesus.  Jesus (God) came down from His high place (throne) into the valley of death where men dwell to redeem them.  Like a lilly, Christ stands alone for all to see.  He came to the valley to bring men to high places where God dwells.  Eph 2:4-7 (but God, being rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace have ye been saved), and raised us up with him, and made us to sit with him in the heavenly places, in Christ Jesus: that in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus)”  I always felt that all those years (childhood/adulthood) until I met William and started working in the ministry, I was in a lost valley, lost in despair, abused, ignored, etc.  The power of Christ freed me in 2008 especially when I was first healed of all those physical diseases and throughout the process of working with William (Jesus’ counsel through him), I was freed spiritually and emotionally.  I was finally freed of my past completely when I married William.  I fully believe that at that time, Joel 2:25-26 (my life verse:  And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the canker-worm, and the caterpillar, and the palmer-worm, my great army which I sent among you. And ye shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and shall praise the name of Jehovah your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you; and my people shall never be put to shame.) was finally fulfilled.  Up to that time, I believed that God could restore those years, but never believed that it would happen.

Anyway, this was all confirmed this past week with my name: Lillie, that kept popping up in everything.  God is so good!