2 Chron. 7:14 – “if My people … will humble themselves and
pray … I will hear.” I know that God
hears us. He is teaching us to fight no
matter what happens to us. I know this
is war, but sometimes I get weary and want a truce. Prov. 29:18 we must keep the vision and keep
pressing on. Ps. 107:2 “let the redeemed
of the Lord say so, who He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy.” When you obey God’s word, He will meet your
every need. 1 Kings 17y:12-16 He has
promised to give back. Luke 6:38 Lord,
here is what I have, take it, bless it, and use it Matt. 6:36-43. “Do not despise this small beginning, for the
eyes of the Lord rejoice to see the work begin.” Zech. 4:10 Never doubt God, put God first, be
not afraid, give and God will give back to you.
“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” Josh. 24:15. Do not sell out your inheritance 1 Kings
21:1-3 “be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of Life” Rev.
2:10. “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God
almighty, who was and is and is to come.
Let all creation now sing, praises to the KIng of Kings, you are my
everything and I will adore you …”
I know that life in Christ isn’t supposed to be easy, but
rather, difficult. 2 Cor. 12:9 “My strength
is made perfect in weakness,” suffering does purify and strengthen us. Life’s
twists and turns lead us from our comfort zone, out of the nest, into a treacherous
road. However, through this journey
where God plots the course for both good and bad for our benefit, blessings
will come in the long run! Ps. 121 asks “from
where does my help come? Our help comes
from the Lord. He will not allow our
foot to be moved, He who keeps us will not slumber” – he always knows what we
are going through and how we’ll react to it – it is all for our benefit whether
or not we see it. We will understand in
the end. We can be sure that if God called
us to a life in Him, He will provide for us everything we need to grow in
Him. We have to be willing to accept
with a thankful heart all that He has.
We can’t plot out our own course then ask God to come in and bless us or
clean up after our mess. We have to go
through what He has for us with a thankful heart.
This afternoon, we went to that storage shed that the guy
told us about last week. When we got
there and asked for the guy who sent us, we were told that he didn’t work
there. So we told the guy behind the
counter what we were there for – that there was a warehouse full of stuff that
we could pick up for free- he laughed at us.
He said that the guy who sent us was the owner’s son and that he had no
right to say anything at all. I tried
not to be upset about it; however, I was so looking forward to at least getting
a table and some chairs to get started with some artwork or something! We did leave our number and ask if the owner
would call us. Ps. 107 – be thankful, no
matter what! Ps. 19:14. Sherri did say that we could fix up that old
easel and use it, so William said that he would fix it for me and said to just
go into the storefront and start painting.
I only have a couple small canvases and my paints.
I was rather unnerved all day about it, as
well as the lack of a car payment. We
also got a letter from Charter today saying we owe over $800 for unreturned
equipment! WHAT??? The only thing we had at the apartment we
left was 1 cable modem and cable worth (according to them $32) – what happened
to the $56 I paid upfront for the rental of such!!?? It is currently in my storage shed and my brother said he would go get it and
return it for me. As for the rest of the
list – we had no TV, no cable, no box, no this or that!! I even used my own router from Linxsys that I bought several
years ago! I also got another letter
from the IRS harassing me about my past bill – I filled out their paperwork
months ago, and even sent an update June 30th saying we were
homeless and unemployed, and had no property or anything of value! They said if I sent them that paperwork, they
would leave us alone for 1 year! I feel
overwhelmed by all this and am trying not to get worked up.
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