Monday, August 19, 2013

II Cor. 5-6

This morning’s bible study was over II Cor. 5-6.  It is only through the help of the Holy Spirit that we can walk through this life, being untainted by this world’s philosophies and corruption, to be able to walk knowing the promises and that God is faithful to fulfill them, even though we cannot always see.  We, ourselves, are in process; therefore, we must see ourselves and each other as a finished work (5:16) – just as Jesus already views us.  He did not come to condemn us, but rather, to see to it that we walk according to what He taught us – shedding this mortal body, these carnal thoughts, these fleshly desires, bit by bit.  It is a process, but He is faithful to get us to the end.  We need to be patient with ourselves and with each other while we are in this process, building and encouraging each other.  No matter what we go through (6:4-9), we must keep the faith, persevere, and be ministers to one another – always rejoicing!  We may have no earthly possessions, but we are very rich in the blessings of God!

I started painting the wisteria and the pot it sits in today.  I also worked on the oil painting for Carol – My Jesus figure isn’t turning out like I want – I’ve been getting rather frustrated with it.  I need to practice painting/drawing people more often so that I can do them right!  I’ve been doing landscapes and buildings so much, and not branching out to the uncomfortable areas – I need more practice.  I did do the background, the clouds, the reflections of the lights from the land real well – I do like how that turned out.  I need to make this gallery/studio a job and treat it as such.

Aug. 18 - We went to only the Springs church this morning – we were so tired and couldn’t get up early enough for St. James – great service, great talk on Gal. 5.  After lunch, we went to the gallery for a brief time and painted some of the outside trim/spray painted window bars.  That evening, John invited us to his house for dinner to met with some of his friends: Ted Becket, wife, son KC, and John’s son, Sam.  We had a most awesome time.  We knew that by coming to Colorado, we would meet with like-minded Christians that would encourage and support what we are doing.  William has spent most of his Christian life learning mostly from the Holy Spirit, having had very few friends and no mentors to help him in his walk.  It is such a blessing to run into so many like-minded people, who think like us, operate in the gifts of the Spirit, and are willing vessels in God’s Kingdom.