Tuesday, August 13, 2013


We finished the sign today AND started the mural!  The Hayes kids are sooooo talented!

We woke up this morning discussing what Paul went through – multiple whippings, shipwrecks, stoning, captivity, escape, etc.  It seems that the overwhelming attitude of believers today think that if you aren’t blessed financially and everything is hunky-dory, you aren’t in God’s will.  Is that what they would say about Paul if he were here today – gee, he is having all this trouble, maybe God is punishing him and he needs to change his course of action.  We say, no, it is quite the opposite.  If we aren’t ticking off the devil, getting in his way, and advancing the Kingdom of God, then we aren’t doing God’s will.  Along with ticking off the devil comes a ton of trial and tribulation!

This morning’s bible study was awesome.  First off, last night we read Ps. 33 – a most excellent chapter.  Today we studies Hebrews 12 & 13.  Endure!  Don’t grow weary in doing good!  We were sent to Colorado for a few things: one of them was to discipline us - to get more serious about doing the Kingdom work.  Now, discipline isn’t always about ‘getting a spanking’ for doing bad, it’s not the ‘religious’ mindset about whipping us until we get good enough – it’s about no matter what we go through, we will cling to the faith.  Discipline to prepare for what we are about to go through (harder work), to train us up to fight bigger battles, to bring us to the point of being more holy.  It’s about putting our bodies and souls to death so that we live in the spirit.  The things of God are always about righteousness.  Good deeds don’t count to righteousness, but rather, doing God’s will, no matter what!  The work of God IN US is counted to us as righteousness.