Thursday, August 8, 2013

Thankfulness and Grace

We had the most awesome prayer meeting last night at the Springs Church South in Fountain!  What awesome people there and what an awesome time we had praising God then sharing what God has put on everyone’s heart!  That all want to reach out to the lost, the poor, the down trodden and they want to put action to their voice!  We plan a prayer walk around the old downtown area of Fountain 2 weeks from Sunday afternoon!  We will anoint the area and pray for God’s will to be done in that area!  I had met a lady there 3 weeks ago and God put it on my heart to pray for her every day since.  I met her again last night and we had a wonderful prayer time together.  I have been believing for her healing for the past 3 weeks, so last night we prayed for her to receive that healing.  She is healed in the Name of Jesus!

William and I had an awesome time in the Word this morning.  Eph. 6 The armor of God – Thankfulness!  Truth is our center, faith to counteract everything, the sword to cut through and destroy the enemy’s work - to divide spirit from soul, the helmet to guard our minds – the devil cannot condemn us since we are covered by the blood - he cannot steal what is ours if we believe the Word!  The breastplate guards our heart – we are not failures nor are we worthless, like the devil tries to tell us  – we pray for God’s heart and He confirms with His word what we are worth to Him!   The shoes are for running the race – we have to be God’s cheerleader – to lead the battle!  The Spirit of God holds the armor on by his Grace.  The sufficiency of God gives us strength to hold the sword up and put the shield up every day!  Glory be to God! 
Eph. 1 we are blessed with every spiritual blessing.  What the Spirit does is work His will and His promises through us.  He chooses us to be Holy and blameless.  We also sit in heavenly places with Him – the blessings are already ours - we just have to receive them!  Grace is God’s favor which he lavishly poured out on us – it is beyond the saving grace.  He reveals to us His mysteries and His will.  He gave us a view – to look at the whole picture so we can see the fullness of this time and what He is doing in heaven AND on earth.  We get to be a part of something greater than just going to work and going through the motion of life.  He is allowing us to see what He is doing – to see the workings of it all and to take part.  We get to see a bigger picture.  My people perish for lack of vision – Prov. 29:18 – we need to help spread the vision!  He has given us the vision.  It is a pledge of our inheritance – to view the redemptive process.    The Holy Spirit is there to remind us on a regular basis if we let Him – that we are His.  He has given us all knowledge of His love, grace, mercy and power on a regular basis – that is what the seal is all about.  Men without Him are empty; we can be filled daily by spending time with Him and asking for His infilling presence .  All men need Him – that is why we preach the gospel, this is not a religion, it is a relationship!  We are given His wisdom and revelation to give us hope and to impart hope to others.  He’s the head, we are the body; therefore, all things are in subjection to us as well – the devil and His dominion is under our feet!  We put ourselves in subject to Jesus and all things are in subject unto us as well.  The devil has no power over us unless we give into him.  

Faith comes by hearing and the Word is manifest in us with the help of the Holy Spirit.  He reveals it to us .  When we follow the Old Testament way of living, it becomes nothing but rules and regulations  - it does not bring life to us unless we learn to hear the Spirit who breathes life into us.  We need the Logos as well as the Rhema Word – to bring life to its fullness in us.

Wow!  Today’s mail brought us another $120 from William’s sister!  We can now deposit that $17 into the account for the rest of the car AND pay our phone!!  God is so good!